The last and only time I've been to Woodlands Waterfront was in the dark with an ex-colleague/friend (Valerie) driving us (Jimmy and self) over for a night of home-cooked food and major catch up 2-3years back... or maybe more.

Anyways, fast forward to the Vesak day long weekend (30th & 31st May) that just sneaked by (at the start of June School Holidays). After 12years plus of my nephew's first appearance, the kids finally popped by and stayed for a night.
Key takeaways:
- Kids first stayover, picnic with us and time playing Taboo (ever)
- #insiderenemy chilling out in Cropped Top from H&M
- Alone time with the teen Nephew and niece still adorbs stage
- Yay to clear sunny weather; Nay to Humid and windless afternoons