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Thursday, 4 June 2015

Woodlands Waterfront, Things to do in Singapore!

To think it's been nesting right under my nose all this while. 

The last and only time I've been to Woodlands Waterfront was in the dark with an ex-colleague/friend (Valerie) driving us (Jimmy and self) over for a night of home-cooked food and major catch up 2-3years back... or maybe more.
The bridge facing the causeway and Johor Bahru.
Anyways, fast forward to the Vesak day long weekend (30th & 31st May) that just sneaked by (at the start of June School Holidays). After 12years plus of my nephew's first appearance, the kids finally popped by and stayed for a night.  

Key takeaways:
  • Kids first stayover, picnic with us and time playing Taboo (ever)
  • #insiderenemy chilling out in Cropped Top from H&M
  • Alone time with the teen Nephew and niece still adorbs stage
  • Yay to clear sunny weather; Nay to Humid and windless afternoons

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

And so we are back!

But who is she now?

It's been more than a year since my last post which declared me going on "permanent" leave from a start-up agency. Ever since, I've: 
  • Started work at a food portal and crossed a year mark
  • Travelled to Jakarta, India, Bali, Dubai, Sydney and Melbourne. Then again to Jakarta over the recent Labour's Day weekend.
Bali, Dubai and Melbourne.
  • Lost and got into shape, only to put back on some weight that refuses to leave me (let's blame it on the food shall we?)
  • Watch my nephew and niece continue to grow-up
  • Attended a few close pal's weddings, one in India - which leads to...
  • Somehow being entangled in a relationship. A long distance one at that.
Sharja Dessert, UAE
So here we are again! To a new experiences and moments in life that take our breathes away.

Monday, 18 May 2015

Breakfast at Harry's Boat Quay, why not?

If you're in search of a place on the outskirts on town or at the CBD zone, Harry's Breakfast is an option not to be missed! At an alfresco along the Singapore River is Harry's, serving their recently launched breakfast from 8am till 10.30am daily.

Personally, it was nostalgic to be at Boat Quay and peaceful in the mornings (especially on that Saturday we were there).

And so, there we were! More than ready to dig into their 6 out of 8 dishes from their Modern European Comfort food for Breakfast - and boy, were we in for a treat on a Saturday morning!

The Menu that explains it all - Harry's in Boat Quay
The Menu that explains it all
OpenRice members doing their thing - Harry's in Boat Quay
OpenRice members doing their thing